Friday, January 11, 2013

Black Pants

Finding a pair of pants that fit on the clearance rack!

him: Why do you have ten pairs of black pants
her: I don't.
him (holding up one pair): Yes you do. I see them all lined up right here.
her: They are not all black.
him: This looks like black. 
her:  That one is my skinny off-black.
him: What?
her: And this one is my day-before-my-period very-black
him: hmmm
her (pointing to pants one by one): This one is my very-important-business-meeting tweed-black,
sexy-out-to-dinner spandexy-black, nobody-will-see-me-at-the-grocery-store cotton-black . . .
him: ok, ok, nevermind

1 comment:

JT said...

Agreed. It is impossible to have too many pairs of black pants!